Tracy Spencer's Biography - Official Website of Ciancio DJ

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Tracy Spencer, pseudonym of Louise Tracy Freeman, was born in London on January 5, 1962. She moved to Italy at a very young age and began working as an actress in 1984 in various Italian films: "A tu per Tu”, “Domani mi sposo” e “L’allenatore nel pallone”. In 1985 the meeting with the talent scout and producer Claudio Cecchetto that together with the presenter Jerry Scotti thought to launch it in the world of music. An art name was chosen, Tracy Spencer, a name taken from the famous American actor Spencer Tracy, reversing the name and surname. The mulatto singer dominated the summer parade hit of 1986 with "Run To Me", a song that led her to win the 1986 Festivalbar. The single jumped to the top of the charts all over Europe and in England, reaching first place, surpassing even the superstar Madonna. The song, by Italian authors, originally had been recorded by Ray Foster about a year earlier. Second stop in Spencer's career is the single "Love Is Like A Game", whose original version was from 1985 by the "Hot Cold" and bore the signature of Ivana Spagna. In the summer of 1987 the third single "Take me back" was released and also the first and only album "Tracy". In 1988, he returned to the Festivalbar with the song "I Feel For You" but he got only a moderate success, his fame traveled again on the wave of "Run to me" until 1988 and then inevitably turned into a meteor of the years' 80. In that same year he left Italy to move to London. He married a record manager, and settled in Hamburg, Germany, where he had two children.
1987 - Tracy Spencer - Tracy (CBS)

1983 - David Marx & Tracy Spencer - Stay (Discomagic)
1984 - David Marx & Tracy Spencer - Follow You Follow Me (Discomagic)
1986 - Tracy Spencer - Run To Me (Ibiza Records)
1986 - Tracy Spencer - Love Is like A Game (Ibiza Records)
1987 - Tracy Spencer - Take Me Back (Ibiza Records)
1988 - Tracy Spencer - Two To Tango Too/I Feel For You (CBS)

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