A Taste Of Honey's Biography (Band) - Official Website of Ciancio DJ

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"A Taste of Honey" was an American musical group, formed in 1972 by Janice-Marie Johnson and Perry Kibble. The band, born in Los Angeles (California), originally consisted of Janice Marie Johnson (vocals, co-writer, bass), Carlita Dorhan (vocals, guitar), Perry Kibble (keyboard, co-producer, co-writer) and Donald Johnson (drums). Each had left a band to join forces, and after hiring several drummers, they settled on Donald Johnson (no relation to Janice-Marie). Carlita Dorhan left the group in early 1976 and was replaced by Hazel Payne. Their first single, "Boogie Oogie Oogie", off their debut album A Taste of Honey, became a huge hit and spent three weeks as number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1978. The single sold two million copies and the group went double platinum for the single and the album, and won the "Grammy Award" for best new artist at the 20th Grammy on February 15, 1979. Gregorio Walker replaced the singer (uncredited), who had left the band shortly before the successful release of "Boogie Oogie Oogie". Subsequently released "Do It Good" (number 79 in 1979) and "Rescue Me" (1980) failed to attract attention, and in 1980 the group became a musical duo consisting of Johnson and Payne. In 1982 their fourth and final album "Ladies of the Eighties" was released containing the single "I'll Try Something New", a cover of "The Miracles", which reached number 41 in the top 100, and number 9 in the R&B music charts. In February 1999, Kibble (keyboardist) died of heart failure at age 49.

Discography :
1978 - A Taste Of Honey
1979 - Another Taste
1980 - Twice As Sweet
1982 - Ladies Of THe Eighties

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